Origin: Greek


Temperament: Deadly


The Callicantzari are a race that dwell below the ground. They spend most of the year gradually chipping away at the roots of the tree of life in the hopes of bringing it crashing down, though their motive for this is unknown.


In the twelve days before a new year, the Callicantzari can break out onto the earth’s surface and wreak havoc. It is known that children born in these twelve days are the most likely to transform into Callicantzari, and they must be branded on the heel in order to avoid this.


The Callicantzari are twice as tall as ordinary men. Their features are horribly distorted, and some have been seen to have goat-like horns protruding from their heads and hooves instead of feet. They are thought to be related to centaurs, though distantly.